Celebrating and Graduating!
It is a blessing to know that you are part of our Grace Time family! Now, the girls are ready for their new step in life. In two months, it will be their graduation and they will transition out to live in their own homes. They will be living alone, but we will always be there to support them and pray for the continuous process of accompaniment, mentorship and leadership.
Would you consider helping launch these young women into their new lives? We would like to invite you to be a part of supporting one of our four girls to buy the basics for their new house, like a gift from Christmas. Do you want to be part of this new step?
Gracias por ser parte de Tiempo de Gracias con tu so raciones y tus aportes
Para nosotros es una bendición saber que tu eres parte de nuestra familia Tiempo de Gracia, ahora las chicas estan listas para su nuevo paso en la vida, en dos meses sera su graduación y saldrán a vivir en sus propios hogares, cuatro nuevos hogares donde ellas estarán viviendo solas, pero siempre estaremos hay para apoyarles y orar por ellas, ellas siempre serán parte y continuaran en el proceso con acompañamiento mentoreo y liderazgo. Quieres ser parte de este nuevo paso? nos gustaría invitarte a participar, apoyando nuestras cuatro chicas a comprar las cosasvasicas para su nueva casa una regalo de navidad.

Set de platos (set of dishes)
Lempiras L.374
USD $14.96 Need 4
Give here (please note in memo for dishes or platos)

Set de cubiertos (cutlery set)
Lempiras L.200
USD $8.00 Need 4
Give here (please note in memo for cutlery or cubiertos)

Cama (Bed)
Lempiras L.2,337
USD $93.48 Need 4
Give here (please note in memo for bed or cama)

Set de cuchillos (set of knives)
Lempiras L.250
USD $10 Need 4
Give here (please note in memo for knives or cuchillos)

Refrigeradora (Refrigerator)
Lempiras L.5,994.99
USD $239.79 Need 4
Give here (please note in memo for refrigerator or refrigeradora)

Juegos de ollas (pot set)
Lempiras L.599
USD $23.96 Need 4
Give here (please note in memo for pots or ollas)

Toallas (towels)
Lempiras L.289.95
USD $11.59 Need 4
Give here (please note in memo for towels or toallas)

Ventilador (fan)
Lempiras L.1,249.95
USD $49.95 Need 4
Give here (please note in memo for fan or ventilador)

Estufa (stove)
Lempiras L.1,397
USD $55 Need 4
Give here (please note in memo for estufa or stove)
Prefer to give by check?
Send a check to: Go To Nations, P.O Box10305 Jacksonville, FL32247, Write #N578 on memo
Note: If all that is needed of one item is covered already, your donation will be applied to the amount needed for the other remaining household items for their new place.