Time of Grace House (Casa Tiempo de Gracia) is a transition home for 18 year old girls who have aged out of the orphanages in Honduras. Our goal is to teach these young woman basic life skills, their personal value and show them God’s love.
Time of Grace (Casa Tiempo de Gracia) is a one to three year program. During their stay at the Time of Grace House, the girls will learn life skills (public transit, budgeting, grocery shopping, cooperation, etc) and job skills, they will be placed in jobs or in secondary learning opportunities.
We are currently setting up the property for the first Time of Grace house (Casa Tiempo de Gracia) that will host eight girls and a house mother and assistant.
Become a Time of Grace House (Casa Tiempo de Gracia) partner today!
What will they learn at Time of Grace?
The young woman at Time of Grace House will:
Involves the discovery of one another that begins by knowing oneself, in order to achieve empathy and appropriate behavior. It also implies the strategy to plan and carry out objectives together, allowing the resolution of conflicts and integration and success in community. They will each carry responsibilities within the home.
To discover the full potential of the unique person, their values, their principles in the midst of their diverse personalities and personal responsibilities, as an individual member of a family and society. This corresponds to the maturing of the person to achieve their spiritual and human goals.
Time of Grace House Monthly Budget
Rent $500
Utilities $281 (Water- $21 US, L500 Honduran Electricity – $200 US, Internet-$60)
Food $1600 (8 girls at $200 each)
Transportation $680 (8 girls at $85 each)
Clothing $240 (8 girls at $30 each)
Hygiene $200 (8 girls at $25 each)
Here are some images of our first home, just waiting for the furnishings!